Tools WebP I tried to improve the downlad-time and size of the assets used in this blog. This is mainly about optimizing the images for web. Not only that all JavaScript from this site has
Sbom Sca SBOM, anyone? The ability for an organization to generate a complete bill-of-material during continuous integration is one of many maturity indicators. BOMs are increasingly required for various compliance, regulatory, legal, or economic reasons. (Dependency Track,
Tools Gitlab Data Import by CI Job A data import is part of most of our projects and in some cases, we need to re-import all the data from time to time. This post shows how you can delegate this
Symfony Php Conference SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Summer Edition I was quite sceptical if an online conference could make me pay attention in the same way a “physical” conference could. Spoiler: It could. There were some minor issues, such as not so
Typo3 Creating a onepager website with TYPO3 I wanted to switch a small website into a one-pager website lately, and as it so happend - the site was managed with TYPO3. Turns out, with TYPO3 it’s a piece of cake.
Obs Kdenlive Imagemagick Creating videos for documentation Creating screencasts, for example for documentation, is easy with these three powerful open-source tools: OBS, Kdenlive and ImageMagick, which all run on Linux, MacOs and Windows respectively. After downloading and installing all three,
Tools Typo3 Documentation Documentation with reStructuredText for TYPO3 First of all - I could have put much more words in the title because we are covering a complete workflow for our TYPO3 documentation (for our customers and their sites). We will
Css Darkmode in CSS You may know the dark mode from your mobile phone or elsewhere. It’s basically a theme that can be activated, but also can be a system-wide default. Most browsers do also support this
Docker Gitlab Gitlab Runner and Docker's Rate Limits Docker activated “rate limits” by the end of 2020 - and as we are frequently pulling images from the main docker registry, we ran into trouble and our builds failed. But there is
Owncloud Api Upload to ownCloud without auth* I really like the file drop feature of ownCloud. You can configure a directory to receive files from a thrid party without authentication and with no troubles. You get a URL and that