Tools WebP I tried to improve the downlad-time and size of the assets used in this blog. This is mainly about optimizing the images for web. Not only that all JavaScript from this site has
Tools Gitlab Data Import by CI Job A data import is part of most of our projects and in some cases, we need to re-import all the data from time to time. This post shows how you can delegate this
Tools Typo3 Documentation Documentation with reStructuredText for TYPO3 First of all - I could have put much more words in the title because we are covering a complete workflow for our TYPO3 documentation (for our customers and their sites). We will
Tools Symfony Spam-Protect a Symfony5 Contact-Form with CAPTCHA On many of our Websites we have contact forms. And recently there seems to be an elevated number of bots filling out these forms with spam data. That’s especially a problem, when a
Tools Fun Fun with Big Blue Button In our University - and also our Data-Center GWDG we use Open-Source Software whenever it is possible. So, instead of using proprietary Video Conferencing Services, such as Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams
Tools Typo3 Docker A modern way to organize and build your TYPO3 Site with Composer and Webpack Encore The way we are using TYPO3 has constantly been changed in the last 10 years. I will show you, how we use state-of-the-art technologies to optimize and automatize the way of building and
Tools Symfony A Simple CRUD Application with Symfony Create Read Update Delete — these operations describe the most common tasks a relational database is used for. A common task on top of that, is to build interfaces for users, to execute
Tools Dariah Puppet Config Management This blog post accompanies my DH-Tech talk about config management. tl;dr: There is a recording available. Problems with infrastructure administration Operating an infrastructure can be hard. Among the most common problems is that
Tools Jekyll (S)FTP and Gitlab CI Sometimes the most sophisticated deployment strategies and infrastructure models can unfortunatly not be shifted into the real life, so one has to go back a few decades and use tools from that time
Symfony Tools Webscraping with Symfony Web-scraping is ugly, but sometimes it may become necessary, because services don’t expose an API to retrieve data. Basically web-scraping is a mechanism to programatically open a website and grab the contents in